Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.
Yes you can trust these results and you partner is most likely NOT pregnant. I assume that you had a sexual encounter 3 and half months back and no sexual intercourse after that. (Please correct me if I am wrong).
The first pregnancy test you have done could be bit early (which was done in 2 weeks). But since the other urine tests were negative and since she had a bleeding 2 weeks after the sex it is not likely that she is pregnant. The fact that she had bleeding after 2 weeks means the embryo is not successfully implanted, in any case. In addition she has a coil (IUDevice) which further negates the risk of pregnancy.
The irregular periods could be due to a lot of reasons, most common being stress or slight internal hormonal imbalance. This is should correct by itself and usually no treatment is needed. But the problem persists for more than a month she should visit a OBGYN.
Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup queries.
Thank you