Risk of HSV1 HSV2 and HPV from oral contact

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I went out with a girl that I know as a friend. However, I don't know any health history. We started having little romance and she masturbated her vagina using her fingers and in a minute she put her fingers on her mouth licking it. Unexpectedly within another minute she started licking my lips with her tongue 4 to 6 seconds. However, I didnt kiss her back. It was a unexpected kiss from her that I didn't expect as I always want to follow safer sex. I noticed that on top of her lips there was one blister on it. I asked her about it and she said that it was not herpes. I am really scared right now. What are the possibilities that I can get HSV1 or HSV2 or HPV? Do I have to do any STD tests in this situation. Any help will be really appreciated.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

There is a small risk that you might have contracted a cold sore or Herpes Labialis (caused mostly by HSV 1). The lesion in the her lips can be a cold sore. However I would say this is more of a textbook possibility. Practically (considering all the factors) you risk is low. I assume you only had safe sex. In that case no tests are needed for now. There is now reason to worry !

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

Thanks Doctor. Here are my questions in my mind. I am not aware of many factors about STDs and thanks in advance to enlighten me and helping me.

1. I read that kissing while blister appears is very contagious. She must be kissing/licking my lips at least 10 to 12 seconds. I didn't have sex with her and I didn't kiss her back. How this scenario is considered low?
2. She fingered her vagina and putting her fingers back to her mouth and then she was licking/kissing my lips in two minutes. If she has HSV2/HPV/HIV, what is the possibility that I can HSV2/HPV/HIV? Even she was licking my cheek for couple of minutes after that as I didn't allow her to kiss my lips...If I have any small scratches in cheek, wouldn't it be dangerous?
3. Is there any test available for HPV for men?
4. I am 36 now. Is there any useful if I take HPV vaccine? Is it available in hospitals?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


1. Blisters are indeed contagious, but what I said is the probability that you will develop and manifest a cold sore is very low. There are many factors involved. Upto 40% of adults have HSV already in their body,without any manifestations. So there is a chance that you already have HSV in your body. Even in couples living together and having sex, it might take months for the infection to be transmitted. (Read single contact might not transfer the disease). And finally more than 1/3 of people who get HSV infection never will manifest any symptoms. So putting all together your risk is very low (that too if what she is having is a blister).

2. HSV2/HIV/HPV - very low. ( Any infection that can be transmitted via contact can occur if you approach like that, but that's not the point. This is simply risk analysis)

3. Tests not easily available (since you do not have any lesion like warts)(available mostly in research settings only)

4. Yes HPV vaccines are available, but recommended only for individuals less than 26 years of age. This would not benefit you.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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Patient replied :

I have asked my friend to do testing for all STDs and HIV. She came up with HSV1 positive. I have done STDs/HIV test just three weeks ago and my results were NEGATIVE for all the tests and I went through HSV1/HSV2 tests as well and all were NEGATIVE results. As its confirmed that she has HSV1 and she had cold sores and she kissed my lips 10 to 14 seconds and then licking my lips & face, do you still think its a small possibility to spread the virus this way? Once I saw her results, I am really scared now. Do you think I still don't need a HSV1 test?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.


As I mentioned earlier, it is possible to catch the HSV 1 (herpes labialis) from kissing someone with a cold sore on their lips. However, a one time contact poses a lower risk, as it can take up to a year of contact between couples to transmit the virus from one infected person to the other uninfected person (and that to only 10% actually catch the virus). You have mentioned that you have recently been tested for STD's including the HSV1/HSV2 viruses and they came back negative. Furthermore, if you did catch the virus for the first time, you would have an outbreak of a cold sore on your lips within 1-4 days. These are both supporting the fact that you do not have the virus in your body.

To be absolutely certain ( in the case that you have the virus but have not developed cold sores, or antibodies in your bloodstream), wait for 2 weeks and then re-do your blood tests for HSV 1. This is just in case you do develop antibodies in the next few weeks (sometimes it takes that long), and you can finally detect them in the blood if present. If present, they will persist for life in the bloodstream.

If the results are negative 2 weeks from now, you can rest assured and sleep well knowing that you do not have the HSV 1 infection.

Take care, and thank you for asking your queries and Doctor Spring.

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Patient replied :

Thanks Doctor. I will test one more time in 2 to 3 weeks.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Glad to be of help.

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