Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I will start by absolutely agreeing to what you said about the internet being very confusing.
However, the good thing, there is no chance og HIV or other STIs from the exposure you mentioned.
Only if there was a good volume of ejaculate that came in direct contact with the oral cavity, there was a slight chance of spreading infection, but the exposure you mentioned has got no risk.
Feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Thank you for your answer. It does make me feel better. However, I just wanted to provide more information and make sure that there is no risk. During this particular incident, there was quite a bit of ejaculate on his fingers and I definately felt the ejaculate on my lip and chin. Plus the fluid on my lip could have entered my mouth. The touching by accident of my tooth must have been with fingers covered in his fluid. The morning after, I brushed my teeth and I did get some bleeding. I have had problems with my gums throughout my adult life. According to sources on the internet, ejaculate in the mouth can be a risk for HIV, espcially if there are gum problems and this is what worries me. The fact is that I do have bleeding gums. Also some sources say that HIV viral particles die almost immediately after contact with air. But other souces say the viral particles can live for a while outside the body when present in fluids. In light of my gum problems and the fact that the ejaculate was about 30/60 sec's outside of his body, do you think this poses more of a risk and requires testing? Or am I just being paranoid? Thanks for your further clarification.
No, I reviewed your whole history, and I will still say you have no chance of getting HIV.
Kindly relax, HIV can never be transmitted this way, and also it does not survive more than 30 seconds outside the human body.