Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Ask your friend to be relaxed and not to worry. Since he had a condom on that completely nullifies his chances of getting any STD. So he should be fine. Its also a good thing that he already gave his blood sample. They should be negative, since he had a condom on. However its psychologically a good thing, to always see conclusive results.
Sometimes if there are some minute cuts in the scrotal area or in the penile area not covered by condom, there is a minute chance of picking up an infection. There is a probabibility but its extremely low. So just ask your friend to be extra careful from next time.
Hope that answers your query.
Patient replied :
Thanks for your reply. I believe his concern is that the condom was put on with the lady's mouth hence her saliva was probably on the condom which was thereafter inserted on his penis. He read that chlamydia/ghonarea can be passed through sex toys so what would stop them from being transmitted via a condom with saliva? And if so, are the chances still low in that case?
Thanks for writing to us again.
Since she put it on with her mouth, and if she has an active infection, then theres a possibility of him getting infected. However the good thing is the incidence is low and also people start experiencing symptoms like discharge from penis, along with burning micturition and pain in testicles.
Gonorrhoea would have also manifested by now, however there's no history of painful burning discharge from the penis. If he starts developing any of these symptoms, its better to consult a local doctor, who can put him on antibiotics such as Ceftriaxone.
Hope that answers your query.
Patient replied :
Okay thanks and for my last follow up question. Provided you are not able to assign exact estimates on probability what would you consider as a low probability for transmission of an STI in this incidence?
Thanks for writing to us again.
Considering 5-10 % of women in US have chlamydia infection, i will say its extremely low, and not more than
2-3 % chances of getting the infection. So he can relax. If he ever develops the symptoms i told you, do get back to us immediately.
Hope you're satisfied with our reply.
Patient replied :
Great and for my last follow up question. Assuming that the lady who put the condom on with her mouth had an STI and saliva got on the condom which was placed on my friends penis, would that mean his chances are still low of getting an STI?
I ask this because you provided a statistic that 5-10% of women in the US have chlamydia but given that this is a lady who does that for a living, I'm assuming the probability is much higher.
Also, I have heard that it is common for people to have gotten an STI and not have any symptoms. Do your experiences show that most people do show symptoms?
Thanks for writing to us again.
No in this case the chances of getting infection is extremely low, so i will again request you to stop worrying unnecessarily.
And most cases that acquire STD, will show symptoms almost immediately. So in your case, since there have been no symptoms, we can say there is no chance of being infected with STDs.