Reliability of pregnancy test 4 weeks after intercourse

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Resolved question:
if I have taken a pregnancy test after four weeks of unprotected sex, does it mean I am definitely not pregnant. I asked another online doctor who said I will definitely not be pregnant and I want to know if this is true.

I did have sex in the 'safe period' one week before my period was due....but now i am getting positive ovulation tests for the past seven days. I am due my period tomorrow but dont feel like it it's coming. I was wondering if it's possible to still be pregnant at four weeks and still get a negative pregnancy result?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

If the pregnancy test is negative even after 4 weeks of having sex, it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant. The tests should have detected pregnancy if it was there.

In order to give a more solid opinion I would like to know 1. whether you are having regular periods ? If so what is the cycle duration ?

2. You have mentioned that you had sex in the safe period, 1 week before periods. But also mentioned that your periods are due tomorrow that after 4 weeks. Kindly clarify. You can just mention your last menstural period, the date you had sex and the date you did the testing

3. What kind of testing did you do ? Urine Pregnancy test ?

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Patient replied :

i was taking norethisterone to help skip my period. Normally i would have period on the 5th of december...but because i was taking norethisterone to help skip this period I ddint have this period. I stopped taking norethistereone on the 8th of december, which would have been day four of my period if i had not taken this pill. I then got the withdrawal bleed three days after stopping norethistereone. I was having unprotected sex from Monday 2nd of december through to 8th december. so would have been having sex three days before my period and some days during. My cycle is normally 28 days sometimes 25 but generally 28 days. I have had symptoms for the past three weeks of nausea and headaches and cramps which i assumed to be just side effects from taking norethistereone. Also as i stopped taking the pills it means that my period is now going to be due tomorrow instead as i have skipped a period. But now i dont feel like i will be period. I dont have any PMS symptoms that i normally have. They stopped roughly three days ago. For the past three weeks ive felt like my period will come any day and now a few days before my period this feeling is completely gone and i feel like it wont come. I took ovulations test to see if i was ovulating, as i thought if a test showed me i was ovulating...then it would mean that i couldnt be pregnant...however these ovulaton tests have now been showing positive for the past seven days. And i am aware you should only ovulate for two days and you should ovulate 14 days before your period and not seven days. I took a urine home pregnancy test around four days ago which would have been three weeks and four days since unprotected sex. I read online that its possible still to be pregnant and get postive ovulation results and now im worried becuse I feel wet sometimes as if my period is here...and i got ot the bathroom to just find that its a clear discharge which generally i have anyway before my period but seems to be more this time. Ive had it all week and normally only get it a few days before my period is due.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


It is most likely that norethisterone has slightly altered your mentural cycle. It may take 1 or 2 cycles to normalise and to be back to a regular periods. However pregnancy would have been diagnosed in most (99%) cases within 3-4 weeks. (I assume the test was done properly). With modern urine test kits the results are pretty fast and good.

You can ignore the positive ovulation strip readings as it is false positive sign. ( due to the hormonal imbalance).

However if you miss the periods for 1 more week, I recommend you to repeat the pregnancy test , with an early morning urine sample, just to be sure.

Hope this helps
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