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Redness after using APPLE CIDER VINEGAR for WARTS. Treatment.

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Hi I recently used apple cider vinegar for what I thought was a wart applied for 2 days ended up burning my skin the skin turned darkish I applied neosporin for past 2 weeks skin is now just pink and slightly swollen no fever or heat from cut so don't think it's infected I can't currently access a doctor and am trying to find out what I can do to make this redness go away or if it will at all is very stressful situation and any help would be greatly appreciated. I've read a lot about different creams and scarring things to use but not sure which one to get and don't want to do any further damage.

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 31 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
It seems mostly an inflammatory reaction. Can i please see a picture of the affected area?
Please do not use any other creams for the time being.
Let me have a look at the spot and then i will guide you further,

Patient replied :

Hi thanks appreciate your help a lot as I will never use this stuff on my skin again more nervous about bad permanent scarring. I seen they have strips you can buy and a few different creams but really didn't know the extent of how bad my situation was and how to procede from here. I cleaned off the neosporin like you said waiting for further instructions I've been taking showers with area uncovered but only washing area with cold water again thanks for your help greatly appreciated

Thank you for the follow up.
In your case what you developed is ' Irritant Contact Dermatitis ', a local inflammatory reaction to the chemical - the apple cider vinegar.
The best mode of treatment right now will be to avoid any kind of contact with the area as much as possible.
Emollients or moisturisers should be applied ( try to look for some with aloe vera- they reduce the sensitivity even further, or Epaderm ointment or Eucerin lotion. They will enhance faster recovery ).
Even with the use of emollients ( a minimum of 5-7 days ), if it is not improving then topical steroids can be added.
For the time being please emollients, 2-3 times a day and let me know in the next 3-4 days.
Wish you speedy recovery!

Patient replied :

Hi thanks for the help again I think I'm going to go with the Eucerin lotion if that's fine? I sent a picture to make sure i don't get the wrong thing also when I apply this should I keep it covered with bandage at all times or leave open? Last question is what should I do as far as showering thanks

Yes Eucerin Lotion is fine.
It will need some time to heal. The dermatitis looks bad as of now, so have to keep applying and be patient. I know you wanted to do the write thing but it affected you adversely.
And also leave it open. Bandage with ointment or lotion can increase the chances of infection. Keep it as dry as possible apart from the moisturiser part.
Continue normal showering and clean with normal water. Avoid soap water.

Patient replied :

Hi think it's been around a week now since I last spoke with you. The Dermatitis looks a lot better then before Ive been putting the lotion on 2 to 3 times daily there is still some slight redness that doesn't seen to be improving with the lotion not sure if I should just keep applying and it will get better with time or try different treatment I sent you a picture for you to help determine thanks again for all your help it was greatly appreciated.

I am extremely pleased to know that the dermatitis is actually a lot better now.
It was pretty bad and it will take some more time to completely heal.
So i advise you continue with the lotion for another couple of weeks.
The redness will go gradually, might take a little more time since the dermatitis was severe.
Wish you great health!

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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