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Red coloured decreased urine output after STREP THROAT.

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Hi,I am 20 years old male,suffering from strep throat for the past 3 or 4 days but never took any medications until yesterday when i noticed the change in my urine to red colour and decreased urine output.I started using anti biotics yesterday even though my throat has been feeling a little better but still taking it because of the urinary problems.I am suspecting the infection is affecting the kidney.I did some research online about this but the blood colour and less output of urine is making me nervous.Pls suggest a solution.

Category: Nephrologist

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Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
 31 Doctors Online

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju
Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
FISN : Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN), 2012
FIACM : Fellowship of Indian Association of Clinical Medicin(IACM), 2012
FICP: Indian College of Physicians Association of Physicians of India, 2012
Fellowship: DM, DNB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, 1994
Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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