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Most of the GFR estimations take age in to consideration. GFR changes with age and as per your age, you will not be considered as having CKD. As your serum creatinine is normal, you should not bother about those reports. Always remember, while evaluating a kidney disorder, the most important value we take into consideration is serum creatinine. If it's normal, then other values can be ignored.All those values are routine fluctuations expected in all human beings in physiological ranges.
Microalbuminuria should not be done in your age group and what ever may be the value, you don't need to consider that.I personally feel that you don't need to consult any specialist in this regard. Avoid unnecessary drug intake and also avoid conditions causing dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids everyday at least 3-4 litres, so that the kidney can maintain its excretion in a normal range.
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