Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
The area that you are mentioning is the ' fourchette '.
Since you are so interested and knowledgeable about the female anatomy, I have mentioned the name so that you can read more about it.
Also, the picture is entirely normal.
This is normal anatomy.
One side is not enlarged or rougher than the other, but I agree that it might be feeling that way to you when you touch.
As you said, there was slight friction some time back during intercourse.
The fourchette is the area that has maximum friction and rubbing during intercourse, as the penis slips in and out.
So that area might have been rubbed against more than usual, and hence you feel that it is rougher and slightly more enlarged compared to the other side.
But otherwise, this is just normal anatomy.
You might try applying some lubricant / Petroleum jelly on that part during intercourse, to minimize friction.
The picture is absolutely normal, do not worry.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Thanks for your informative reply. It really helped! So it's common to have "un-smooth"/irregular bits of tissue on the fourchette? And will it always be there? I assume if I decided to have a child, I would see all kinds of new changes. But is there any other way it would eventually "smooth out" again?
Firstly, thank you for the appreciation.
Generally, these changes are here to stay.
As you can see, they are not major ones.
Just minor, subtle changes that occur with ageing, intercourse, childbirth.
If , for example, you refrain from sex for very long, you might feel that the irregularity has healed, to a certain extent.
But the changes in themselves are not major / radical, for them to regress or come back to ' normal '.
These trivial alterations in the anatomy and surface skin are part of the spectrum of ' normal ' .
Take care !