Thanks for posting your query on DoctorSpring.com.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
I went through your post and all the attached reports.
Your serum amylase and lipase are raised. This occurs in pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas). The most common cause is alcohol consumption. You need to quit drinking alcohol. If you continue drinking alcohol, you may get recurrent attacks of pancreatitis. Recurrent attacks of pancreatitis can damage the pancreas permanently and cause serious complications. Your ultrasound scan is normal and indicates that there is no features of permanant damage to pancreas at present.
Your endoscopy reports says you have some inflammation in the food pipe and stomach. This could have caused the blood in the vomitus also. The probable reason again is alcohol consumption. You need to take veloz 20 for 4-8 weeks for complete healing of esophagitis and gastritis and also quit alcohol intake.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Patient replied :
hi sir what kind of diet to follow how long it will take to heal totally , i have stoped alcohol totallly now . it can be ok??? nothing to worry? im very anxious .
You need not be too anxious as it will heal.
It may take 4-8 weeks to heal completely.
You need to avoid alcohol and smoking (If you have this habit also).
You need to avoid coffee, citrus fruits, chocolates, fatty food, spicy/masala food.
Do not eat to a full stomach. Instead eat multiple smaller meals.
Go to bed at least 2-3 hours after food.
Do not take painkiller medications like Brufen/Voveran.
Take Veloz 20 for 4-8 weeks.
There will be complete healing if you follow this advice.
Patient replied :
Hi sir, As I have took the amylase and lipase today and I have attached the test result . Is that is healing ?? How long to take tablet further ? Amylase - 175!u/l upto 96 u/l normal , lipase 236 u/l 23-300 normal Thanks regards p.kanagavel
Do not go by the lab reports alone.
Since you are not having symptoms now and since CT scan is normal, there is no need to worry.
As mentioned earlier you need to take 4 weeks of veloz 20 for the other lesions to heal.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Thank you for the follow up.
Yes you can take Dolo 650 for body ache along with the other medications.