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Psychosomatic illness

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I need another opinion because it's been since September that I have been ill and I haven't felt myself since. I am currently having chest pains, dizziness, lightheadedness, bad sore headaches, and fainting spells. I am also having a lot of vision changes and seeing blotchy almost dark shadowy spots in my vision. I am very nervous because I don't know whats wrong with me. I was recently on vacation and while on vacation I had to go to the ER because my face went completely numb in a store and I was as pale as a ghost. I had another episode in my hotel room on the same vacation and my left arm went completely numb and I panicked and had a panic attack. Both times were most likely panic attacks (although I have never had panic attacks in my life). My doctors are leaning towards anxiety but they have not been very helpful through the whole thing. I rarely went to the doctors before this all and I feel they are just chalking it up to anxiety since they can't find anything else wrong with me. For example, my first symptom was Chest Pain back in September. I am in absolute discomfort and I am scared all the time about my health. YES I have now developed health anxiety but only because of the true symptoms I have been having for months now. I have had plugged ears for a few months now as well and sometimes I can pop them. I am going to see an ENT specialist this week. But could these symptoms all be from an inner ear blockage?

I am very athletic and I run approx. 4 miles a day and since the panic attacks that occurred about 10 days ago I have not been able to exercise because exercising is making me dizzy and lightheaded.

I was also wondering if any of these symptoms could be from a gastrointestinal issue? Because I have had gastrointestinal issues such as IBS my whole life. I have very frequent diarrhea that looks like powder and my stool has been very thin and orange looking.

THANK YOU in advance for your opinion. I am trying to figure out what my next step should be.

Things that may help you know more about me:

* I had a surgical abortion in July. --this was very devastating for me
* I then immediately went on the birth control pill microgestin for the first time ever and I had symptoms of stroke and heart attack so my doctor immediately made me stop taking the pill. Now I have been off of it since the beginning of October but my symptoms all began when i first started taking the pill.
* I had a fungal infection candidasis that developed from me taking the birth control pill. I have seemed to clear up this infection.
* Ive had many resting EKGs that have all been normal
* I wore a holter monitor for 24 hours and it as normal
* I had an echocardiogram ultrasound that was also normal showing minor signs of regurgitation
* I had a brain MRI that was normal
* normal stress test
* all my blood work has been normal with the exception of slight hypothyroidism that is now back to normal. I was tested for autoimmune diseases that have been negative.

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 26 Doctors Online


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I have analysed your symptoms thoroughly. These kind of symptom pattern are common in clinical practice and in our centre we approach it this way.
To be clear your symptoms are non specific. But when I say non specific I do not mean that these are not significant. Just that a single diagnosis is not possible from the set of symptoms.

The approach here would 1. Baseline evaluation 2. To rule out any warning sings and serious illness 3. Symptomatic treatment if no diagnosis is made. 4. Re evaluation

I think your Doctors has done a great job in 1 and 2. Your MRI is normal, EKG, Holter, blood work all normal. That means you need not worry about your health now.

What I am going say might sound cliché. Your symptoms do seem to have a psycho somatic component. (not just anxiety ). The important thing is that you need understand that I am NOT saying you are just feeling or thinking up the symptoms. The symptoms infact are real, but the trouble is the neurotranmitters in the brain.

This is pretty common that you think. And in most cases over time you will recover out of it. Just that you need to be actively trying for this. This is unlikely to be related to the GI - IBS.

I would recommend these steps - Small dose of SSRI medication (is used as an anti depressant also, but in your case the expected) in consult with your Doctor / Psychiatrist . Treatment for panic attack. Restart exercise on regular basis. Take B complex vitamin once a day. I cannot emphasis the importance of treating the panic attack / anxiety. You will be surprised how much change it will bring.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followup
Thank you

Patient replied :

Very interesting you say that about the neurotransmitters. Is there any test that you would recommend? I am also seeing a neurologist.

What can cause the neurotransmitters in the brain to be disrupted?

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There is no need for any specific tests. Neurotransmitters are the molecular level explanation of many functions of mind. (For example in depression - there is imbalance between norepinehrine and dopamine, although there are many other factors also).

The reason I mentioned neurotransmitters is to make you understand what is meant by a psychosomatic symptoms (or a symptom due to stress or anxiety ). It does not mean that you are thinking up or making up or just feeling these signs and symptoms. Rather the cause originates in brain (as in case of depression, anxiety disorder etc). Many people (including MDs )loosely term the symptoms as stress or anxiety related and discard it. Proper treatment - SSRI / TCA medication can help you . Your Neurologist will do a physical examination and help you in ruling out any possible neurological illness. You can get in touch with a Psychiatrist or your GP for further treatment.

And you should be really glad since all the tests including MRI and Holter are all normal. This is just a passing phase. You will be over it soon.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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