Pressure in head with clogged ears. Can I take ADVIL?

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seven month ago i had ringing in my left ear and after had pressure in my head with clogged ears, then started having fullness in the head,i went to doctor and did CT scan , MRI and all ear tests you can think about. doctor gave me medicine called (Tanganil 500 mg) i took it for one month the fullness was less but still had it everyday especially in the office when i am working. then he said that clogged ear and Tinnitus it may be allergy so i was given avamys which didn't do any effect, then was given claratin which no good result was there.then i just ignored it, but after two month of ignoring it stayed the same.i went to my family doctor and told him what happened with me, he checked my ears with the machine he said they are ok no problems. he told me to use cetraxal otico, as i have read this medicine is used for infections, but as i know that infections cause severe pain and seven month infection without pain is strange, and the pain i feel is a moderate pain like pin which comes 2 to 3 seconds and like 3 times i didn't take the medicine and called the Ear doctor to tell him, he said i should ignore and said it seems its not ear problem maybe as i understood are the muscle of the ear and neck and told me to use cloth with hot water and put on my ear and neck everyday two times and two take Advil 2 pills in the morning and 2 in the night for a week. he said that if this doesn't work then we should check maybe it is teeth problem. i have started taking Advil and the hot water cloth , i am in the second day. i want your advice, what do you suggest?.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at

You are suffering from ringing of ear and blocking sensation. Your CT, mri scan is normal. You don't have ear pain, so it is not like infection.

Can you send me the report of your of your hearing test. It will help in getting diagnosis.

Hope this helps

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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Patient replied :

this does not help, beacuse you didnt diagnose anything, my hearing tests are not with me, they are with a doctor in the other country. please i need your opion of the possible resasons.

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 3 Days.

Your main symptomps are ringing in ear and blocking senstaiton and mild pain, not severe pain.
So important differentail diagnosis are Serous otitis media, meneire's disease or some early nerve deafness etc, Here to get correct diagnosis audiological investigations are very important, as you have mentioned that these investigation are done, rather than writing a long list of differential diagnosis and confusing you more i thought that i will able to tell more precisely if i can get result of these investigations.
As your pain is moderate and it lasts only for few seconds it looks like some nerve pain only and i think you need not to take regular analgesic Advil (brufen) for same.
so to treat your condition, i agree with you that first we should we get correct diagnosis. once we know diagnosis treatment will be very easy.
you should continue claritin as it gives good releif in serous otitis media or eustachean tube dysfunction.
You do not have symptoms of any infection so we need not to start any antibiotics.
Tinnitus is not serious but it is troublesome for patient and it is difficult to treat, you can start tab. Ginkoba bilovas two times daily.
We advise tinnitus retraining therapy for few patients if required.

Hope this helps
Best regards

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Patient replied :

Your main symptoms are ringing in ear and blocking senstaiton and mild pain, not severe pain.
So important differential diagnosis are Serous otitis media, meneire's disease or some early nerve deafness etc, Here to get correct diagnosis audiological investigations are very important, as you have mentioned that these investigation are done, rather than writing a long list of differential diagnosis and confusing you more i thought that i will able to tell more precisely if i can get result of these investigations.
As your pain is moderate and it lasts only for few seconds it looks like some nerve pain only and i think you need not to take regular analgesic Advil (brufen) for same.
so to treat your condition, i agree with you that first we should we get correct diagnosis. once we know diagnosis treatment will be very easy.
you should continue claritin as it gives good releif in serous otitis media or eustachean tube dysfunction.
You do not have symptoms of any infection so we need not to start any antibiotics.
Tinnitus is not serious but it is troublesome for patient and it is difficult to treat, you can start tab. Ginkoba bilovas two times daily.
We advise tinnitus retraining therapy for few patients if required.

Hope this helps
Best regards

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