Resolved question:
Well, I've recently, as in within the past few months, been able to feel my heartbeat on an almost daily basis. Sometimes if I ignore it or forget about it I don't feel it, but if the thought pops up in my head I can again. Also, I've had random spurts of pain in my chest, for what feels to be my lungs, but it goes away if I lay down. As of tonight, I'm feeling a weird pressure in my chest or heart area. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
4 Days
Chest pain is only a symptom but it is associated usually by physical activity and relieved by rest. Other symptoms that it is associated with are breathlessness, nausea, sweating or radiates to the arm. Usually this is associated with family history, coronary heart disease, high BP, diabetes, obesity, smoker, and high cholesterol. Depending on the above factors, we have to rule out its causes such as:
a)Acute myocardial infarction.
b)Angina – brief, mild, triggered by physical activity.
c)Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD)- gets worse on lying down.
d)Anxiety-associated with palpitations.
e)Muscle pull.
f)Chest wall pain – like costo chondritis.
g)Pleurisy- relieved by shallow breathes.
h)Shingles- affects the particular area and does not cross the midline.
i)Aortic dissection.
j)Pulmonary embolism.
k)Spontaneous pneumothorax.
Depending on the type of pain, its character, its associated symptoms, it can be relieved either by medications .I would suggest you to immediately get an ECG to rule out any abnormalities and consult your physician for further treatment.