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Pain in ribs with normal MRI, XRAYS. Treatement?

Resolved Question:

i have pain in my ribs on both side, I have been to different doctors and each gives his opinion.. I was give myogestic and diclgesic.. do not feel any improvement really.. I have done MRI and x-rays last two weeks which doctors has confirmed all in order.

I am not feeling well and keep thinking and thinking.

what I need to do and what type of medicine I need to take.

Category: Pulmonologist

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Category: Allergy and Immunologist
 18 Doctors Online

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Do you have any specific point of pain?
Any associated vomiting or does the pain seen to move from point to point?
Do you have heart burn?
Do you have the pain in sleep?
Did anything seen to aggravate the pain? Or relieve it?
What about food habits?
To make all investigation's complete will suggest assn ECG. If that to turns out to be normal, then probably it's just anxiety.

Dr. Jacob George P

Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil
Category: Allergy and Immunologist
Residency, Post Graduation: MD, Respiratory Medicine, J L N Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan (2012).
Medical School, Internship: MBBS, Government Medical College, Kottayam, 2001-07 
Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM) - Medical Trust Hospital, 2013-2014.
Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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