Pain in pelvic area and ED

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dear doctor
Good morning !

i am 23 years old . facing a problem of erectile dysfunction from 18 months . actually it started with pain in pelvic area .from that day i was unable to get erection . then my doctor suggested for penile dupler ultra sound and i was diagnosed with penile venous leak . then later after 1 month of the test my erection got better than before and improved like without physical stimulation i got erection but not hard like before . i use to masturbate daily to check if there any change .then recently from 4 months my penis began to shrink and became small both size and width decreased . and yesterday i consulted a urologist .she said it might be due to pain in the pelvic area (where i get pain when masturbate and ejaculation ) . she recommended for pelvic pain treatment therapy . she said if the pain goes out the erection will get better . is the doctor said is right or something else . is there any relation between erection and pelvic pain because i got erectile dysfunction after these pelvic pain .the main problem here is my penis is shrinking and when i try to full erect it is small compare to before i read an article that an penis without erections will shrink and it cannot be restored .please help with my situation . my life is ruining with this problem .because i have to marry and i was just 23 years old . *MRI of pelvic area shows normal*

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Gautam Banga replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your consult at

There is no such direct relation between pelvic pain and erectile dysfunction.

These is a possibility that due to pain during erection you avoid it. If your penile doppler study is showing venous leak then it is a major issue because treatment for venous leak is penile implant. With penile implant you can have normal erection and your penile length and girth will be maintained. We can also enhance your penile length and girth by surgery. You can try oral medicines initially for medication if you get any improvement inform me, if not plan for penile implant/prosthesis.

Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further.

Dr Gautam Banga
Reconstructive Urologist

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Patient replied :

Dear doctor

Yes I diagnosed with penile venous leak . But after one month of diagnoses i got little improvement like l got hard erections and i done sex with my gf . The problem is when i was in standing position i cannot maintain erection .but read a article that the pelvic muscle plays a major in maintain an erection . My erection was perfectly good before a day of pain in anus started . From the day of the pain i had trouble with erection . But how in a day i loose my erection .now i can achieve mild erection but not quite good with size and width.i will get pain in anus ,penis,rectum,with ejaculation .no infection of prostate ,and u suggested penile implant is it a good choice for a age of 23 .

Expert:  Dr. Gautam Banga replied 3 Days.


I can understand the trouble you are going through. I suggested penile implant on the basis of your penile doppler study which showed venous leak. Pelvic pain syndrome patient rarely complains of loss of erection. They can get painful erections. My suggestions is take good pain killer for some time with muscle relaxant and get your penile doppler study repeated.


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Patient replied :

is penile implant is a best option at this age 23 years . if penile implant done what is its life time and is it feel normal and can i do my regular activities without trouble . i heard that the penile implant infection can cause to permanent removal of penile implant .

Expert:  Dr. Gautam Banga replied 2 Days.

Dear patient,
If you have severe erectile dysfunction with venous leak then best treatment for you is penile implant. If you want you can try intra penile injections. Penile implants have long life and infection rate is as low as 2% .

Dr Gautam Banga

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Patient replied :

Dear doctor .. i am suffering from ED . i read in an article that if i wait for long time with ED i will lose wait permanently . because i am suffering from ED from 18 months . if i had to go for penile implant it has to be done after my masters i.e after December 2014 . so can you please help me what to do now i am suffering a lot because my penile length decreased from starting of ED to now . previously i use to get erections good but i cant maintain them . but know the erection size decreased . before even i had penile venous leak i use to get spontaneous erection but know i cant . i am masturbating daily to check . the day when i masturbate my penis shriks to small and the next day when i go for erection there will be a decrease in size . the decrease in size started from 6 months . i use to masturbate daily even in this situation to check my condition . why my erections are decreasing day by day . if i stop masturbating for 2 days i will get erections easily . and there will be no decrese in size . did iam damaging my smooth muscle or tissue which enlarges when i was stimulated by getting blood in to it . i am thinking that my smooth muscle and elasticity of the penis has lost or damaged . can i know what is happening with me . and i will get pain in pelvic area after ejaculation actually the trouble started with pain .

Expert:  Dr. Gautam Banga replied 1 Day.

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Hope this communication was fruitful. Wish you good health.

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