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Pain in neck after overloading my neck. Treatment?

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I did something a bit silly: I had overloaded my neck for few seconds a couple of times while holding my 2 years old son with it, who weights about 15 kilos. Basically we were playing, I had my head inside his tshirt and I was holding him like that, without my arms... just with my neck, this made him laugh a lot...
But then I suddenly had pain in my neck.
Now my neck hurts, but not continuously: it happens only when I do certain movements, either if I am moving my head from bottom to top (say looking at floor and then looking at the ceiling, but then again not always) or when I am walking and I put abruptly my weight on my feet. I hope you see what I mean.
What can this be? Can an orthopedic doctor tell me what has happened?

The pain is not constant. It's only when I do certain movements (and not always) that I described above. It's not unbearable but it's worrying and it's somewhere between nerve and mechanic.. beside I am not quite sure how to describe it.
I am a male, 39 years old. Should I wear a neck collar for a while or something? Should I go to the A&E? Should I try to move as least as possible? I was thinking of going to a physioterapist close by tomorrow and ask but I am not sure if I should see a proper orthopedist first.
Thank you in advance for your advise.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 30 Doctors Online

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Neck muscle sprain can be extremely painful and that's why any kind of movement is leading to more pain.
You should try to move the neck as least as possible.
You also need to start taking Advil ( 400 mg twice daily after food ), till the pain subsides. Recovery can take up to one week.
If the pain gets worse, and the movements are further restricted you can go to A & E to get an x ray of your neck. Sometimes such injuries can lead to pinched nerve leading to numbness around the extremities. So you need to watch out for such symptoms. It is highly unlikrly though.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

I have to say that the pain is not costant, but only when I do certain movements. Could it be a cervical hernia or would the symptoms be different in that case? Would it make any sense to see a physioteapist? Or maybe a doctor?

It looks that you may be suffering from mild prolapse of disc.This is more confirmed if you are having radiation of pain in upper limb.
If there is weakness in upper limb and radiation of pain then you should consult your doctor immediately.If this pain is not severe then you may wear a cervical collar.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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