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Pain, difficulty when urinate, smoker. CANCER?

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I have never been in more pain in my life. I am 26 years old patientold and weight 195 lbs. I am a smoker and I smoke liquid. I am afraid I may have cancer.

I have been experiencing urination problem since 15 or 16 years old patientold. During my teen I was unable to sleep through the night due to the constant need to urinate. I have this problem on and off. Two years old patientago I did go to a doctor and have it checked, it was my constant masturbation which cause this. Every time I masturbate I do experience extreme urination problem after that.

My present situation, last Thursday though I did not fully masturbate, however when I urinated i ejaculated. From that day to this Tuesday, everything was fine even though I have to urinate more often than normal. On Tuesday night, when I went to bed after taking my usual dosage of a variety of sleeping aid, I woke up around 3am thru 8am. There was pain in my penis, pelvis and testicles. I had a burning pain in the same areas. I had to pee constantly within seconds.

I when to a emergency room, after testing negative for UTI, the doctor on hand said I had STD, which was impossible as I am a virgin. He than very rudely said I can have a antibiotic jab or not it was my wish, I had the jab as I was desperate to have something done and he discharge us.

Since the visit, my pain has only got worst and i have been suffering since with lots, and lots of pain, the worst I have experience in my life.

From Wednesday thru Thursday I only slept for 2 hours. Fortunately, I got caught up and slept better (3 sleeps amounting to 10 hours). This morning I woke up feeling worst than the past three days, partially contributed by my anxiety.

These are my current problem: burning pain in my pelvis, extreme urgency that keep me going to the toilet a few seconds apart. My right testicle and buttock is in a lot of pain. I have not eaten since Wednesday, whenever I eat I feel full or throw up. I have since only eaten some dry cereal and two mini ice cream cones. My right chest hurts. I am experiencing dryness in my mouth, my throat hurts and that make it difficult for me to swallow thus not eating.

I am currently taking the following medication on a daily basis. Estradiol, antivan, citalopram, carbamazepine, risperedone, spironolactone. To ease the pain I use Chinese medicated oil that numb the pain.

Category: Urologist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Dear sir,
Thank you for your query at
There is a good possibility that your symptoms are being caused by something else other than masturbation. It could be a chronic prostatitis, which can't be diagnosed by normal UTI tests or urine test.

You should get yourself investigated with ultrasound KUB and start yourself on c.flomax once daily. It shall improve your symptoms.
Get back to me with ultrasound report.

Take care
Rajiv Goel

Patient replied :

Thank you for your reply, as said before I am concern about cancer, do I have cancer? Can I purchase the medication off the counter or do I need a prescription. Tx u.

No, you will need a prescription, please do get the medicine, it will definitely help you.
Also, no this is not cancer. It is just a chronic prostatitis, or a chronic bladder infection.

Patient replied :

Tx u. One last question, can you please tell me how long this would take to heal. I do not have a prescription right now, but I do have this antibiotic, cirprofloxacin, can I use this while I get a prescription. Thank you

It is better you do not use anymore antibiotics till you have the culture reports as it can lead to more resistance.
This is a recurrent infection, I can comment once I see your culture and ultrasound reports.

Dr. Rajiv Goel
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
MCh(urology) Medical Council of India
Fellow, Laparoscopic urology, Germany
Fellow, Urooncology and Robotic urology, Australia
Felloship - MCH, Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, AIIMS, 2004
Residency - MS, Master of Surgery, AIIMS, 2001
Medical School - MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, AIIMS, 1998
Dr. Rajiv Goel and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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