Oval circular rash

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Resolved question:
Got this oval - circular rash on arms, chest, and neck.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com. I can understand your concern.

This seems to be pityriasis rosea. It's a viral infection of the skin.

No treatment is usually required. It's self limiting and resolves on its own.

However, if there is any itching calamine lotion application and taking an antihistamine is useful.

Please let me know since how long you have it and whether there is any itching.

Hope this helps, I would be glad to answer your follow-up queries.

Take care
Dr Kruti



I have upgraded the consult for a Dermatologist opinion for free. Please note, there might be some delay since this is a specialist consult now.

Thank you
In-house Physician

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Patient replied :

I've had it for maybe 2 weeks. The itching is mild. How long does this usually take to clear up? Also thanks for the help.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for getting back. It takes around 6 weeks for it to clear up.

Take care

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