Options for erectile dysfunction aside from drugs

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

My husband is 47 years and is suffering from erectile dysfunction, also has high blood pressure for which he is on medication. We know that many options are available to treat ED, but our doctor seems not interested in helping us out with the options. He tells us it would increase his blood pressure. It is very frustrating for us. Can you help us with this?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thanks for the question and your concern. The main cause for erectile problem would be due to much emotional disturbances. It is true that drugs taken for ED can increase the blood pressure level. There are many other options available which are mostly complicated and bit costly. One of them is through injection therapy: as a drug would be injected directly through your husband penis to maintain erection. The next option would be a small suppository would be inserted into the urethra to improve erectile dysfunction. The last option would be to implant penile. You can consult your doctor more politely to refer your husband to a urologist as this problem has causes disorder in your marriage life. There are experts in this area who can help your husband from this problem.

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