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Swelling, pain in urinary area after protected sex.

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After a protected vaginal sexual experience, I started to feel swelling and pain in my urinary area. I took azithromycin for 3 days and the symptoms went away. During that period, I also had unprotected oral sex and the symptoms came back, not sure if that was a coincidence. The two experiences were so close I don't know which could be the cause, if any, of my discomfort. This was 5 months ago.

I did a urine analysis 4 times all came normal. No white or red blood cells. Chlamydia/mycoplasma/ureaplasma twice came negative, gonorrhea also came negative.

I took levofloxacin 500mg 1 once a day 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on again. The symptoms were relieved but not cured. I still have a burning sensation after urination. A month and a half later I took Doxycycline hyclate 100 mg twice a day for 10 days. Symptoms were a bit relieved during the coarse but came back before finishing the coarse. I have noticed that starting the 7th day of my Doxycycline, I started to have very heavy night sweats. After researching I found that it could be one of the early symptoms of HIV. Am I overthinking it? Could it be due to Doxycycline? What about the next step since even Doxycycline didn't cure my problem?

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 21 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Let me start by reassuring that you have almost negligible chances of getting HIV from the exposures you had. You had protected vaginal sex along with unprotected oral intercourse, and HIV can only be transmitted during unprotected vaginal/ anal intercourse. Wearing a condom during the act effectively rules out any kind of transmission.
What you did pick up though from the exposure is a kind of UTI. Even though the urine came back normal, and I am not sure if you did culture, your description fits that of epididymo-orchitis which can become chronic. Unfortunately due to rampant use of antibiotics ( Azithrymycin/ FQs - Levoflox, Oflox, and Doxy ) a lot of these organisms have already become resistant to these antibiotics. Hence the infection becomes chronic.
Yes the night sweats that you had could be due to Doxy, and does not imply HIV in any way.
You can stop Doxy and start Ta. Septrim DS or Taxim 200 mg twice daily will be a good choice for such chronic symptoms.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Dear Dr. Thank you for your reply. Yes I have done urine culture twice and seimen culture once with no growth. Do you still recommend the medication you gave me? (Ta. Septrim DS or Taxim 200 mg twice daily)
Also, i forgot to mention the girl that gave me oral told me that she had stiches in her mouth when it happened due to dental work, could she have given me an infection that way? even HIV?

No normally even with an open lesion in the mouth, HIV has not been ever documented to have been transmitted by oral sex.
So please do not worry.
And yes since you still have symptoms suggestive of an infection, I will advise you to take a course of Taxim.

Patient replied :

I just saw my Dr. today and he gave me Cipro 500 mg twice a day and some anti inflammatory suppository.
As this is the fourth type of antibiotic and the fifth coarse I try (azithy 3days, levo 2 weeks, levo 3 weeks, doxy 10 days, no cipro 10 days). I try within the coarse of 6 months. I'm starting to worry that I'm doing damage to my liver. Please advise

No it will not damage your liver.
Ciplox is not known to damage liver in any way.
However I don't think Ciplox is the best opton for you. I asked you to take Cefotaxime, which is found to be a better antibiotic in resistant cases.
Please update me after taking 1 week of ciplox, if there is any improvement.

Patient replied :

Dear Dr.
Not Ciplox, Cipro, as in Ciprobay 500

Yes Ciprobay 500 has the same active ingredient Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride, just different brand names.
Try it for one week and let me know.

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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