Reference to this consultation id: 73687I will like to know if my wife treatment is going well(2nd opinion) , doctors here have not missed any procedures. I will also like to know if she needs radiation therapy also.Patient details : Name: Seema Singh, Age: 43, Hight: 5ft 3inch Weight: 51kgThis year after cure biopsy doctors at local hospital has conducted breast removal surgery and later treatment followded by 8 chemo cyclesHer breast cancer is defined as 'pT2N1M0- tripple negative' with one node postiveHer 8th cycle of Chemo was over on 11 Oct 2013. Now we have to meet doctor again on 2Nov 2013She was having blood sugor around 320 at the time of surgery, after surgery doctors advice to take Gemer 1mg (twice a day). Within week sugar was around 100 (fasting). Not taken any blood sugar test from May 2013.
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