less than span style="line-height:1.6" greater than Today, I had seen these odd square-ish fatty looking pieces that float in my stool after passing a bowel movement. This never happened to me before - they kind of look like sausage that i've eaten the day before. Should i be worried? less than /span greater than also note that I am a 28 year old male with an active lifestyle.work out every day, and have a high protein, low fat, average carb intake a day. I do 30-40min cardio 4-5x a week and 4x a week I lift weights for 45min-1hr. My blood pressure is usually normal. recently i've moved to new york and have been eating a lot of pizza and fat foods, and have consumed alcohol the past few days, but have been still eating chicken breast. please let me knowUpdate: today's morning bowel movement looked normal, it seem to have went away
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