Hello, in this condition, you are experiencing tingling sensation or numbness and even heaviness in her fingers and hand. As the disease progresses, the numbness remains constant. Pain will be radiating from the wrist to the arm or shoulder especially after forceful repetitive use. There may be a sense of weakness in the hands and tend to drop objects. These are all because of compression of the median nerve. Sometimes wrist fracture can narrow the Carpal tunnel and irritate the nerve. So anything that irritates, crowding or compression of the median nerve leads to this syndrome. Sometimes even the swelling and inflammation resulting from Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce Carpal Tunnel syndrome. There are a couple of risk factors that produces this condition like anatomic factors, nerve damaging conditions like chronic illness, diabetes, alcoholism, inflammatory conditions. Alterations in the balance of body fluids and work place can also be factors. When your mother has got these problems, you better show her to the GP who can collect the history of symptoms, do a physical examination, order for an X-ray, Electromyogram and nerve conduction study as well. Treatment depends on wrist splinting, medication, injection of corticosteroids and surgery, (either endoscopic surgery or open surgery). It is rather difficult to say what kind of surgery she had in the past and what medication the attending surgeon or physician advised. Hence it is better you consult your physician with all the details and he may advise regarding the next course of action. Thank you