Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
Before I guide you further, may I please request a few details ?
When was your last menstrual period ?
Normally what is the length and duration of your menstrual cycles ?
Also, please upload the details of the scans done so far.
Was only one measurement of the B HCG done, or were serial readings taken ?
Please let me know these answers so that I can guide you further .
Take care.
Looking forward to hearing from you.,
Patient replied :
My last period was july 12, i am always regular. ON saturday my hcg was 2672 and vaginal ultrasound showed nothing twice. I am not experiencing any bleeding or cramping. I went to ER last night they did ultrasound and blood test. Blood hcg was 6583. Ultrasound result was : A small gestational sac measuring 12 mm, coressponding to an estimated gestational age of 5 weeks. The left ovary measures 3.2x2.4x3.3cm and right 2.4x2.2x2.6 cm. A small gestational sac is seen with no fetal pole or yolk sac identified. A small subchorionic hemorrage is seen as described. Doctor did not explain to me what it means. Do you think the best way to go is to do abortion?
Thank you, Doctor
Hello again.
You are exactly 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant now.
Generally at this time a fetal pole ( part of the baby ) and yolk sac is seen.
Cardiac activity or heartrate is also observed by 6 weeks.
Subchorionic haemorrhage means that small amount of bleeding is seen inside the sac that contains the pregnancy.
Was a transvaginal ultrasound scan done ?
Your B HCG levels are good.
I think you should wait and watch for one more week, and get repeat transvaginal scanning done ( no point in repeating HCG values now ).
Meanwhile, you should take rest.
Avoid stress and intercourse.
Take regular progesterone and folic acid as medication.
A review scan within a week will show if the bleeding has stopped and baby is growing normally or not.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Hello Doctor, I had 2 vaginal ultrasounds that show that my uterus was empty, it was done at doctors office. Than at the hospital they did pelvis ultrasound. I think I will just go on Saturday and do abortion pill. Because I think it's better do it now than loose a baby when I'm already far into my pregnancy. Also my prognosis doesn't sound to good. Please just answer me honestly what is the best thing to do at this point. Thank you
The pelvic scan has shown a sac.
Abdominal ultrasounds are totally unreliable in early pregnancy, just disregard them.
I am being honest with you, am providing you with no false hopes.
My aim is to provide you with a truthful, scientific answer.
Waiting for one more week will not harm you, there is a chance the baby might develop well.
Only insist on a vaginal scan next time also.
Also, just one more week will not lead you far into pregnancy, even then, the abortion pill will work equally well.
What is the harm in waiting for one more week ?
The rest is upto you, I have provided my professional and personal opinion.
WIsh you luck, whatever you decide.