Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I am the same doctor who handled your case last time and I also referred the previous consult.
What you're suffering from is anxiety from the encounter. Yes it is absolutely normal to be anxious, since the partner actually is HIV +
However in your case, you should not worry at all. You have taken OraQuick at the end of 2 months ( 9 weeks ) as you said, and it came out to be negative.OraQuickis extremely sensitive and 99 % accurate. So honestly, there is nothing to worry. Moreover you were fully protected, and with condoms, when properly used, STI risk is minimised completely.
Now talking about your symptoms, we all suffer from diarrhea. HIV is not the only cause. May be your anxiety is not even letting you eat properly and the diarrhea was just gastroenteritis. The pimples at the back of your rongue, can be examined by a dermatologist. But again it can't be attributed to HIV. Moreover HIV symptoms are normally delayed, sometimes appearing only after 2 years. The diarrhea that occurs in HIV is due to an organism called Cryptosporidium, and that only invades the GIT of a person when his immunity is very low. thanks to HIV, which again happens only after 4-5 years old patientof the exposure.
So please do not be worried anymore.
I reassure you, you are not turning HIV +
If possible just for your own satisfaction, just take the OraTest once again. If at the end of 10 months, also it shows negative, the number that i said was 99 % initially, the accuracy can be considered 100 %. Note : this is for your own satisfaction and i guarantee if you take the test again, it will be negative.
Hope this was helpful,
Patient replied :
Thanks doctor, your letter make me feel wonderful for a couple of days. i read them 10 times.
Thank you again
I am glad i have been helpful sir.
Please do not worry anymore. Anxiety is detrimetal towards health in various ways.
Patient replied :
Doctor you know why i'm worried. because i had oral sex without condoms, thats killing me .
i put my mouth on someone whos hive posative . is there anywhere can't be transmited .
i was wearing condom and fully protected but oral was with no condom and no ejalucaton
Unprotected oral sex has slight chances of passing on HIV, only if ejaculate comes in contact with the mouth.
In absence of that again, there is nothing to worry.
As such HIV through oral sex has very very less chances. And no ejaculate means, there is no way HIV can be spread to the other partner.
Patient replied :
Dear Doctor, thank you
i have attached some pictures of my tonge now.
make me feel good if there's nothing to worry.
You seem to have developed a kind of a rash on your tongue, which can be an allergic manifestation to some particular food, or due to excessively spicy food.
I will suggest you do saline water mouth wash like 3-4 times a day, and also use Chlorhexidine mouthwash 2-3 times after every meal.
You also need vitamin supplements for the time being.
In case it does not settle down, one distant possibility is herpes, and that needs to be ruled out.
Once again it has nothing to do with HIV. So please don't worry any further about HIV.