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Nauseous, fatigued, fluctuating lack of appetite. Cause?

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Hi there,

hoping you can help shed some light and offer me some reassurance, at least.

Number of symptoms for the past 2 months. I will try and be brief as possible, i am seeing my GP and also a specialist, but now waiting for results of tests and scans.

less than ol greater than
less than li greater than nauseous, extremely Fatigued, fluctuating lack of appetite less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Alternating pale stools and dark urine ( few days of pale and dark, few days of relatively normal movements, though always a slight hue at all times) less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Bloating and feeling full after only small amounts of food less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Tired, weak at all times less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Constant spaced out, lightheaded, floating feeling - like im on a constant sugar high or not getting enough nutrients to my body? less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Malabsorption, light and fatty stool, loose. less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Really BAD back pain, primarily left side, radiating to my stomach, throbbing. This pain radiated all over my back at times. less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Feeling of a identical mass below BOTH my rib cages, sorta stems on the flank-side immediately below ribgage, hard to describe. it feels inflamed or swollen, identical on both sides, hurts to touch - what could this be? less than /li greater than
less than /ol greater than

results so far:

less than ol greater than
less than li greater than Gastroscopy - hiatus hernia, mild GERD less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Colonoscopy - Inflammation in small bowl, inclusiveness. less than /li greater than
less than li greater than CT SCAN - no results yet less than /li greater than
less than li greater than Bloods - Mildly elevated ALT, Slight lower Lymphocytes less than /li greater than
less than /ol greater than

thanks in advance


Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 25 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Pale stools and dark urine may indicate obstructive jaundice.
With the symptom of back pain, the possibility is a mass in the head of pancreas.
Since I have not examined you personally and have not gone through your test reports, this is the possibility I can think of.

Kindly upload the test reports including CT scan report so that we can discuss more about your symptoms.

Patient replied :

Thanks for your response.
To clarify, i don't have coffee coloured urine, it's only dark some times. and my stool is alternating between pale and normal(ish) - i don't have yellow skin.
I attach my results that i have so far. Bloods, Endescopy, and Ultrasound.
thanks again, i hope it's not issue with my pancreas, i am only 23 :(

Thanks for the additional information.
But I don't find the ultrasound report you have mentioned.
The nausea and the bloating you have could be due to the gastritis you have. The report mentions that clo test was done. But the report is missing. If positive you need to take treatment for helicobacter pylori infection. Otherwise you need to take PPI for 6 weeks as suggested by your doctor.
The bilirubin and the alkaline phosphatase are normal. So obstructive jaundice is unlikely. So the pale stools could be due to increased fat in stool.
This again could be due to high fat content of food that you take or fat malabsorption. Chronic pancreatitis is a common cause of fat malabsorption. The CT Scan you have done will help you to know whether you have chronic pancreatitis. Stool analysis may be done to know the fat content.
I hope that answers your query.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

Patient replied :

Hi Dr.
thanks for following up. I attach again Ultrasound Report (nothing of note was found)
i just got my CT results: Everything was clear, Pancreas, Liver and Gallbladder all normal. He did find a number of enlarged Lymph Nodes though? - I am now getting a biopsy taken next week..
I should also mention that i got a ECG done, i have Sinus Tachy rhythm with irregular T-Wave Vaules.. not sure if that has impact?
hmmm all these sytoms and still no answers :-(

Thanks for getting back to me with more information.
Sinus tachycardia does not have any impact on your symptoms.
As per the information you have given, pancreas is normal. So pancreatitic issues as a cause of pale stools is rule out. Now a stool test should be done to see whether the fat content is high.
I would like to know which group of lymph nodes is enlarged and their size.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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