MRI of Lumbar spine

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Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Sudhir Kumar replied 4 Days.

Thank you for sending the mRI report of lumbar spine of Mr Atanu Mondal. I have gone through it and I would like to reassure you that there is no need to worry about these findings.

At lower back (lumbar region), there is bulging of discs (soft tissue between bones) at three levels, which is causing pressure on the nerves exiting at those levels.

As a result, there could be symptoms such as back pain, pain in the legs, tingling and numbness in the legs, etc.

Initial treatment would consist of medications such as pregabalin or gabapentin capsules, and physiotherapy.

Those who do not improve may require epidural injections or surgery (needed in 10-20% of patients only).

I hope it helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries.

Best wishes,

Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist,
Institute of Neurosciences,
Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad- 500 033, India

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