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Molluscum Contagiosum Transmission

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Hi doctor, I am an Indian. I am 20 years old male. I have been suffering from some skin diseases. I was consulted in three days back with the trichloroacetic acid for the Molluscum contagiousm bump close to the top of my genital hair like herpes. The bump and the close skin is goeswhite and the medical practitioner said to me this is indicated that the acid is working. The checked area has not been yet to fallen off. My girlfriend was interested to me the oral sex on yesterday.  I would like to clarify if she could have caught the virus on her hands and mouth, even all the same area had been marked with the acid andit isenclosed by the pubic hair. If so, I have had like to recognize the developmentperiod for the one million periods per second. I am very conscious about it. Please help me? What should I do? Can you give me some advises in the form of the medicines and other methods. I have been waiting for your prompt reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your valuable time.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Thank you for your question, it is really unfortunate to know that you have been suffering from the skin diseases and other problems. Mulluscum contagiosum move outward through the direct person to person contact and through the connection with the unwanted and dirty objects.MolluscumContagiosumincluding the genitals herpes is reflected as the sexually transmitted disease. In adults it is related with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and it should be ruled out. The lesion can be easily diffused or spreadable still complete the retrieval; your girlfriend might have been diseased by you. I would like to advise you to speak out your girlfriend and get her to MolluscumContagiosumconfirmed for the molluscum and too it would like to be suggested that the rule out the further sexually transmitted diseases or illnesses that it would changeyour resistant system such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I do hope I have appeased your concern. I think I have been answered your query is very well. I wish you all the best and wish you the quick recovery. Good luck.

Dr. John Fuller
Category: Family Physician-GP
MD - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship, Family Medicine - Lutheran Medical Center
Residency, Family Medicine - The Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John Fuller and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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