Resolved question:
can it is possible to cure gynecomastia by medicine without any surgey
Age 23
Weight 68kg
Thane maharashtra
4 Days
Thank you for your consult at
In one line - yes, it depends on what is the cause, and how big it is! So I would ask to upload a couple of pics (side profile and front).
Detailed answer -
For suspected gynecomastia, one has to first confirm if it is true gynecomastia (breast tissue) or fat which can done by ultrasound and fine needle aspiration cytology studies.
One should rule out use of drugs like spironolactone, digoxin, cimetidine, testosterone, estrogen gels by female partner, and alcohol abuse.
History of loss of libido, erectile function and on examination, loss of pubic and axillary hair, decreased beard growth and testicular size should be noted.
One should test for testosterone levels, LH, FSH, thyroid functions, liver functions, kidney functions and karytotype (if klinefelters syndrome is suspected).
Medication used for treatment of small size, with predominant glandular structure gynecomastia is anti-estrogen drugs like Tamoxifen. However, it may not be effective if breast tissue is large, and mostly fibrous.
Minimally invasive surgery by plastic surgeons is a good option.
Hope it helps, please feel free to discuss further.
Col (Dr) J Muthukrishnan, SM
Senior Adviser (Med & Endocrinology)
photo as per u required
I have not received the photo. Kindly click on upload while asking follow-up question or email to for Doctor only access.
photos as per you required
From the pictures, it appears to be a significant gynecomastia.
It may not respond to medical therapy alone.
After the necessary tests, as I have mentioned, this may require a surgical management.
Take care