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Low libido and pain

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Hi doctor,  I am a married woman and I am 23 years old. From the last 7 years I am living with my husband and I have the problem of low libido for always. From the beginning we were young and we do not know what to do. And now I felt something wrong happening with us. All of my friends are very fond of sex and they always talk about this matter. Normally I do not enjoy sex because its hurts me in sometimes. I never saw a physician for this problem but I think there was something wrong happened physically for me.Sometimes I think that if I have any mental block against involvement, and maybe I am not well to do sex with somebody. But still I have sexual thoughts and sexual stimulation of my own. Now I am not in any occasion like that and it has been stopped from early 2 years. I decided to see my doctor sometimes before and planned to take the tablets soon. I am very self-conscious to see a physician and talk about this matter to him, but if I have to discuss it or if it is a serious condition then I must do it. Thank you for your pleasure time, I am waiting for your sincere reply, Thank you.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 23 Doctors Online

Thank you for your question, firstly I like to advise you that you never become conscious about this matter, you have to discuss with your doctor about it and if you feel ashamed to tell this problem to your doctor then why the doctors are here for? I like to help you to get out from this problem. I would surely speak to your husband about this issue, weather if he can help you get ride from this problem. You have to continue an open relationship with your better half; it helps you to develop your sex drive. Talking with your husband may be making any different change in you; he will help you in making changes and try to work it out. And as for the pain, there are many substances available in market to reduce it. I would like to prefer KY jelly for this and you must try it out. I think you are satisfied with my answer and I hope you will become better soon. I wish you all the best, Thank you. 

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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