Lortab and home follicle test

Resolved question:
I had my daughter take a home follicle test. just the 5 panel. and she came back negative. she went to lab today and took another 5 panel lab hair test. she has taken about 10 lortabs in past 3 months. and has not taken anything for a month. will the lab test still be negative. i know the opiate part tests only for heroin,and codiene.She is not a addict its for a job. she had some dental surgery the reason for the pain meds

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

It is unlikely that the Lab test will test positive for the Lortab (Hyrdrocodone)

And yes you are right most of the standard 5 panel tests (for job screening) do not look for Hydrocodone or its metabolites. Moreover 10 tablets over 3 months might come under the threshold level of positivity (although in hair tests it cannot be said for sure). And the home test kits have decent sensitivity (means less false negative tests) .

Putting all these factors together the lab most likely will be negative.
Hope this helps
Thank you

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