Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
Your reports confirm GERD with reflux esophagitis.
I will suggest you meet a medical gastroenterologist who is better suited to handle this case.
The long standing GERD is the most likely reason here to be reflux esophagitis. The persitalsis is slow, which could also preogress to gastroparesis. Are you a diabetic? Long standing GERD also causes asthma.
I will advise you Medications like PPI along with prokinetics may be taken for relief ( For example - esomeprazole along with levosulpiride).
This should reduce your GERD as well as prevent further esophagitis.
Feel free to discuss further,
Patient replied :
Are you a GI doctor? Is there a chance that periostalisis will return, if the esophogitis is treated? Is there a relationship of Esophogitis to the periostolic muscles not working properly? Is this Acalasia? If normal periostalisis can return, is there a good chance? Also, I am not a diabetic, but I do also have Gout which was not mentioned.
The peristalsis issue is not related to esophagitis. It is due to motility disorder. That is the reason I want you to get a manometry done. It will let you know whether it achalasia or other motility issues.
Please get back to me with the manometry report.