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Lesion on X-Ray and opinion on it being benign or malignant

Resolved Question:

Does this lesion look benign or malignant? I am 33 years old, male, and asymptomatic.

Category: Oncologist

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 24 Doctors Online

Dear Mr. Demar,

The lesion looks well defined with clear cortical borders but for central irregular lucency. But with just X ray, one cannot come to a conclusion and we may require CT or MRI of the left upper arm. Based on the findings, we may have to plan on the management and investigations which may may not include include biopsy.
Please let me know why x ray was done as you have been asymptomatic..

Again, if your concern is whether this could be malignant - yes there is possibility and hence it needs evaluation. But we cannot say for sure without further testing.

I would be available to answer any queries.


Patient replied :

Thanks for the reply. I was experiencing a light chest pain and decided to go to the ER to get it looked at. My chest pain ended up not being anything serious, but when they took the x-rays of my chest, they filmed a portion of my arm on accident and found the lesion.

OK. Please consult with your doctor about the need for further followup. Was there any previous history of any injury to the bone ? Any bone disorder running in family ?


Patient replied :

I have an appointment on Monday. No previous injury to arm and no previous disorders of the bone, that I'm aware of. Thanks so much for your time.

Ok, hope this turns out to be nothing. Good luck.

Patient replied :

Hello again, one last question regarding my arm. How would you classify the periosteal reaction? Thanks again.

Hello again, one last question regarding my arm. How would you classify the periosteal reaction? Thanks again.

Dr. Vineel Pampati
Category: Oncologist
Residency: MD, Kasturba Medical College,Manipal
Medical School: MBBS, College of Medical Science, Bharathpur.
Dr. Vineel Pampati and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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