Thank you for your medical query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
The pain around the ribs does sound like a costochondritis, which is an inflammation in the intercostal spaces and typically present with a muscular kind of pain around the ribs and the chest area, radiating backwards.
Regarding the urine, I will advise you get your urine routine as normally we don't excrete fat in the urine until and unless the cholesterol levels are severely high and there is some damage to the kidney. A urine routine will give us a better picture of why the urine smells like bacon. You're also complaining of excessive fatigue, hence it will be better if you can get the following set of investigations done to give further clue towards a diagnosis:
Serum Electrolytes
Urine Routine
LDL, HDL, Total Cholesterol.
Kindly get the tests done and get back to me. Even if you do not trust the doctors, the labs won't be wrong and it will give a clearer picture. For the ribs inflammation you can take Advil or Tylenol SOS.
Hope this was helpful,
Feel free to discuss further,