Thanks for posting your query. I can understand your concern. I reviewed the pictures.
You seem to be having an eczema associated with yeast infection. The other possible diagnosis is lichen planus.
I would like to know a few details -
1. Since how long is it present?
2. Is it on any other parts of the body?
3. Is it itchy?
I would recommend application of cortisone cream mixed with clotrimazole cream twice a day for two weeks.
Please let me know the answers to my queries.
Take care
Patient replied :
1) It started about i wanna say a month ago around has got worse.
2) its only on my genitals (head and shaft)
3) Its itchy and it cracks painful
Creams are not working ive used cortisone and even yeast creams Monistat what females use i heard men can use burns to badly..
Thanks for your reply.
I understand your concern. I would recommend application of creams as i suggested. Also oral anti fungal like fluconazole will be helpful in resolving the yeast infection.
Take care