Itchy hands at night

Resolved question:
Hello my wife has been experiencing EXTREMELY itchy hands at night. Usually starts at 11:00pm but on occasion can happen earlier. Starts with one hand and now spreads to the other. Recently has started to also affect her feet. I have been rubbing cortisone in and that takes a few minutes and then the itching will subside.

When her hands are itching it goes from a small itch to unbearable really fast. It doesn't happen every night.

She has never had anything like this before.

Is this psychological? What can be the cause of this and what are the best next steps?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Since your wife is having severe itching which responds to cortisone it might not be psychological. Or rather it is bit premature to term it psychological.

The most likely and most common cause is an allergic dermatological reaction to a external antigen (such as metals, pollens , dust, food etc). So as a first step what you should do is to remove and replace any new item that she might come in contact in that particular time period. Also analyse the dinner (any new ingredient ? any new utensils ?) . Change your bed and pillow cover.

Instead of the cortisone cream she can take a OTC anti allergic medication like Allegra once a day around 7-8pm in the night. Her symptoms should resolve in 2-3 days. After 2-3 days stop the medication and see whether this is recurring. If so she will require a basic panel blood tests and dermatological evaluation.

Hope this helps
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