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Is their any chance or any treatment related to this?

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Thank you Doctor, as you have said that chance of recovery is less but as the family member we dont want to lose hope because she has managed well in this condition from last 8 years every thing is normal except her reaction and she was on bed she look around has normal problems like cough and etc as normal person face, i want to tell some more details to you and want to know is their any chance or any treatment related to this in whole world we can take her, details in more detailed are as follows, On 15dec2004 morning 7.00am she is feeling pain in her heart when we take her to doctor he says that she got heart attack and give her medicine to put it under the tongue mean while he takes the sample of blood for testing sugar level. After few min she collapse and stop breathing (sugar level was around 650) then doctor give her CPR and put a pipe for ventilator it takes around 5-10 min she dose not breath in this time the ventilator was manual. At 10.30 am she was shifted to a bigger hospital. Over there we come to know that some damage is done in her brain she was unconscious after so many test at 9.00pm she was operated and angioplasty was done and a stent was placed in her body from that day she was on ventilator for two and a half months after three months we take her to home and she start opening her eyes after 1-2 months after coming home. dear doctor thanks for your prompt reply,please advice

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 18 Doctors Online


Thank you for asking your query.

I am sorry to hear about your in-laws medical condition and will try to assist you my best.

From your description she seems to be more or less in a persistent vegetative state. A vegetatvie state of this long duration will have definitely to do with a damage in the brain. There are many problems which can cause coma. Ranging from metabolic, hormonal problems to neurological problems. But all other than neurological issues will either progress or get better in some duration. If there is neurological problem the comma can persist.

So there could be a stroke or a brain infection like encephalitis which led to the coma in the first place. I am afraid by this time a lot irreversible damage might be done and recovery might not be possible.

Now coming to your specific query , what kind of tests can be done :

1. MRI of the brain

2. Blood tests Electrolytes, Renal and Liver function tests, Thyroid function tests.

These basic tests will give a relatively fair idea on how things are with her now. If needed further tests can be done after analyzing this data.

Hope this helps.

Please feel free to ask follow-up questions if any via this email.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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