Is it possible to be raped with VAGINAL ATRESIA?

Resolved question:
Hi there, My name is Katie, is there a Gyno Specialist I could speak to? My family and I really need answers. A family member of mine has been diagnosed with hemophilia, vaginal atresia and is prepubertal. She claims she had been raped numerous times between the ages of 9 and 15, anally and vaginally, by another family member who did some time for the claim. All we're needing is for a Doctor/Specialist to explain the medical, physical impossibilities, in order for our family to except the fact that it was in fact a false claim and get back to being a family again. If a doctor would be able to give a little explanation/ professional opinion about any one or more of these following bullet points, it would be greatly appreciated.

* The hardships of being hemophilic and the proper procedures it would take to attend to a 9 year old raped hemophilic victim
* How attending to a 9 year old rape victim would have required a legally mandated report of abuse from the doctor to the state
* The consequences of a hemophilic child being raped and not being attended to by a doctor immediately to stop the bleeding
* The impossibilities of having full penile/vaginal intercourse with a prepubertal, unestrogenized, 9 year old with vaginal atresia
* The medical/physical consequences of having anal sex (scarring, tearing, lesions, stretch marks etc.) and the impossibilities of having anal sex without leaving some form of inner rectal scarring.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Hello Katie.
Thank you for your query at
Yes, I am an OB - GYN Specialist and would be glad to assist you with your concern.
Let us take it one by one.
1. Generally hemophilia does not affect sexual activity. Most females with hemophilia would not bleed during sex. Only with vigorous sexual activity, there might be bleeds deep within the hip muscles.
2. Of course, a legally mandated report of abuse is a must from the doctor's side. Specially as the girl is pre pubertal, hemophiliac and underaged.
3. A hemophiliac female might sustain injuries to the external genitals from attempted rape. These injuries might bleed for a variable period of time. Again, she might not bleed, the presentation is myriad and varied.
Also, is it possible that she is confusing molestation with penile penetration and proper rape ?
It is also possible that she maybe scared and hence might have lain stiff and co operated with the rape, thus limiting the nature and intensity of possible injuries to the external and internal genitalia.
If she had bled, and it was not attended to immediately, then she would have been exsanguinated, and would have definitely required transfusion with blood / clotting factors .
4. It is not impossible to have full penile sex with a prepubertal 9 year old. Vaginal atresia is now a different issue.
Vaginal atresia is of varying degrees, with partial atresia, some amount of penile penetration is still possible.
She would be unestrogenized, but of course, forcible penetration can be achieved.
I need to know the degree of vaginal atresia that she has, and how truthful / perceptive she is likely to be when she is making that claim.
5. Regarding anal sex, if it was forced, there would surely be signs of rectal tear, anal tear. Scarring is doubtful, as the injuries in a young girl might heal well.
But there would most definitely be evidence of acute injuries / tears in the area.
It is possible to have had anal sex without long term inner rectal scarring.
Hope this has been of some help.
Let me know on what points you want me to elaborate further.

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Patient replied :

First off, she has a severe case of vaginal atresia. The prosecutor stated she had but a dimple for a vaginal opening. Yet the alleged rape victim claims she had been full on forcefully penetrated/ raped anally and vaginally by the alleged rapists 8” long x 5 ¾ “ circumference x 2 ½” wide Penis 4-7 times a day for 6-7 years (9-15 years old) Thus giving no healing time.

Is it possible to fully penetrate a victim with such a severe case of vaginal atresia? If so, what would the consequences of this action be?
What would the consequences of forceful daily anal penetration be?
Being hemophilic, if she bled and was given no time to heal, wouldn’t that have worsened her condition? And if unattended to, would she not have bled to death?
What kind of medical attention would that have required?
How would her day to day life have been affected?

According to other federal cases and other doctors, that in all cases inner rectal scarring is present for life and is seen with an anoscope. What is your take on this?

The alleged rape victim was a busy body. She was apart of sports in school (softball, gymnastics) along with snowmobiling/ motorcycling on a daily basis (depending on the season). She also went to friends houses weekly to play on trampolines, go swimming, jet ski, tubing behind a boat, and she rode bicycle on a daily basis to get to these locations (at lease a mile a day)

After interviewing family members, friends, friends’ parents, and school teachers, coaches etc, they all stated that there was not ever once an incident where they had suspected any form of abuse.

Being a prepubescent child with hemophilia and being prepubertal and raped multiple times a day, every day, would it not be noticeable that she was being raped?
Would she be able to partake in such physical activities, given the circumstances?

At the age of 15, the alleged rape victim went in for a rape kit exam. This is when she was diagnosed with severe vaginal atresia (as they said there was nothing but a dimple opening). The doctor also stated that there were no tears, lesions, stretch marks, scarring or abrasions etc. She claims that 4 days prior to the rape kit exam she was raped for her final time. What types of medical/physical evidence of forceful penitration would there have been after thousands of alleged rapes, most recent incident being 4 days prior to the exam?
Again I cant thank you enough for your time and expertise. I anticipate your further emails. Your time and responses will help so much with my family recconciliation.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

Hello again.
Thank you for your kind words.
Vaginal atresia is a spectrum of abnormalities, of varying degrees and types.
IF there was just a dimple , then it is impossible to have penile penetration in this case.
At present, if there is just a dimple at the vaginal opening, then there is simply no question of vaginal intercourse ever having occurred !
It simply clinches the case, as far as vaginal penetration is concerned.
Forceful anal sex , of the frequency mentioned , would show in the form of a lax anal sphincter and visible outward signs of being sexually active anally.
Once more, if it happens over years, the inner rectal mucosa might or might not show signs, but inspecting the anus and palpating it with a finger can definitely tell a doctor if anal penetration has occurred over such a long period.
A meticulous and thorough examination by an OB - GYN specialist would have settled the case definitely long back, why has this not happened ?
WHy did the suspect do time for this, was it proved in any manner that the girl was not lying ?
And what ulterior motive would she have, being a family member, for fibbing here ?
Please go through this link -
Particularly the part on anal sex.
Anal sex mostly leaves no trace, but then in girls with vaginal atresia, there is often maldevelopment / abnormal development of the rectal area, and if the rectum too is improperly developed, then anal sex would leave telltale signs of trauma here.
I hope you understand the obvious restrictions I am working with.
I have not examined the girl.
I have only a general idea of her medical conditions, and not a thorough one.
As I stated earlier, if she has vaginal atresia, of varying degrees, then forceful vaginal penetration would lead to bleeding, which is unattended, could lead to exsanguination ( this term is synonymous with a severe condition of shock, near to death almost ).
If she was being abused on a daily basis, her quality of life would have been affected,and being active and partaking in sports would have been a near impossibility.
Regarding confiding to other people, most abuse victims do not do that.
If the doctor found no evidence of rape, why did the accused do time for it, I again fail to understand that.
And yes, if the recent episode had been 4 days back, anal exam would show gaping, looseness, admitting more fingers than usual and other marks.
ALso, vaginal penetration is impossible as already stated , so I fail to understand what signs would be there !
One cannot penetrate a girl who has vaginal atresia that is complete.
She needs surgical intervention and reconstruction of the vaginal canal before vaginal penetration can be achieved.
Hope these inputs help ???

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Patient replied :

Hello again!

I do understand your limitations to this case considering you have not examined the girl, so everything you’re doing without, I think will help a lot so far and again it is very appreciated.

Just to clear some things up, when the doctor examined her during the rape kit exam, and diagnosed her with (in his words) “absent vagina” he was still able to perform a pap smear. Therefore she must have had a vagina, and by absent vagina he meant to the degree of mere closure. Would you agree with this statement?

Later on in court is when the prosecutor stated she had but a dimple for an opening, and that just the head of his penis touching the dimple was penetration by law. However in the alleged victim’s complaint she was experiencing full on forced penetration. These statements are rather confusing I know. You have already made it very clear that if there was only a dimple for an opening, full on penetration was impossible. What if her atresia/absent vagina wasn’t as severe as the prosecutor said, (considering the doc was able to perform a pap smear) She was still prepubescent, unestrogenized, no mucus membrane, and the vaginal opening couldn’t have been more than 10cm? So to forcefully full on penetrate a prepubescent vagina that size with a very well endowed penis (8” x 5 ¾” x 2 ½”) would still cause tearing, lesions, scaring, pain etc? Given she had no time to heal between the alleged rape incidents, would cases of fissures and/or fistulas be a possibility? What would the consequences be if left unattended to? Wouldn’t experiencing this cause debilitating pain?

Then you had asked about why there wasn’t any OBGYN exam… Its because they knew this couldn’t have happened. The rape kit exam proved there were no lesions, tears scarring etc, to show there was ever any form of sexual activity. Her medical history showed no legally mandated reports of abuse, no suspicions of anything in the notes and no treatments of hemophilia. They had questioned all of the family and the child’s mom and everyone stated that same thing. “This could not, did not happen.”

However the prosecutor and the sheriff investigator wanted this case bad, and went on ignoring the fact that Child Protective Services found no maltreatment. They withheld all the medical evidence knowing they could just put her on the stand, cue her when to shed tears in front of a jury, told that in MN there is no evidence needed, all you have to do is believe the alleged victim to find guilt for conviction. The jury was then threatened to be held until midnight and be sequestered over the weekend unless they were to come up with a unanimous vote. Just so they could get back to their lives the jury decided guilty at 9pm on a Friday night when they were told they would be able to leave at 5pm. Several of them called the defendant’s lawyer stating that they knew there was probably medical evidence to set the alleged rapist free, but were refused to see it when they asked for it. There are a lot of constitutional errors in this trial.

There were many pieces of evidence in this case, proving that the alleged rapes did in fact not occur, and that she was lying. All of this went unseen by the jury. Not one stitch of evidence was used. Only her word put away this man.

The alleged rape victim was a very happy child prior to these false allegations. Her parents and siblings had just about everything. They had money, lake side home, lots of friends not to mention they were a huge part of the community thus bolstering their popularity. However the parents were having some troubles which lead to divorce, breaking the family and the kids’ hearts. After the parents separated, the kids didn’t see their father much if at all. Therefore, with a little influence from other angry family members, you can imagine it wasn’t hard for the kids to believe it was all daddy’s fault. The alleged victim lost all her toys, friends and basically her future, and had to move to a tiny apartment, and lost most luxuries. Dwelling on this anger, she managed to put together a story that would punish her father. She practiced a sex allegation on a school coach which cost the man his job for a temporary period of time. After finding out it was a false allegation, he returned to coaching. She also accused a high school “enemy” of fooling around online with her father. This was also disproven and found malicious. These prior false allegations were also withheld from the jury.

I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank you for the dialog.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Thank you for the recent update.
I appreciate your patience and your trust in typing all of this out.
Well, more conundrums actually !
If there was just a ' dimple ' , a Pap smear is well nigh impossible !
At 9, she was pre pubescent, but not necessary unestrogenized.
Mucous membranes develop before puberty sets in, and nowadays it does set in around 10 - 11, so she was pretty close.
But again , a 10 cm vagina means that there was no atresia !
If there was atresia, of even a mild degree, full penetration with a well endowed penis is impossible.
I wonder how the pap smear was taken, or if it was just a vaginal swab taken from whatever dimple there was.
Yes, with vaginal atresia, if the alleged victim had been penetrated even partially, it would show tears, fissures, maybe not a fistula since that is quite severe.
But a lot of bleeding at the very least.
All in all, having read all that you have written, I do not think any sexual activity ever took place.
And you have more than enough evidence in hand to prove it.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

I can't thank you enough. I've been searching for ever for someone to help us. Everyone turns their nose up to cases like this. I think very highly of and will recommend it to anyone for years to come. Thank you - Katie

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 1 Day.

Thank you for your appreciation.
Please feel free to come back to us if you need in futire.


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