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Is getting bruise and nose bleed normal in pregnancy?

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I am pregnant in week 17 and have hade three episodes of minor bleeding during my pregnancy, located in the placenta. I have been on progesterone since week four and the last week on Tranexamic acid (500mg for 7 days) and the bleeding has stopped after 1 day of medication.

I usually bruise easily and get a nose bleed (my vessles in one nostril are sensitive). Could this be a part of why the placenta bleeds? Is it possible to test that?

Kind regards,

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
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Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

Given your history of two prior miscarriages, tendency for easy bruising and nose bleed, along with placental bleed, yes you should get tested.

It is also possible to test for the same.

Am providing a comprehensive list of investigations which should be done in your case -

1. Complete blood count - this will also include the number of platelets, responsible for clotting of blood.

2. Bleeding time - BT and Clotting Time - CT

3. PT and aPTT with INR

4. Assays for specific factors if any of the above are abnormal.

5. Homocysteine levels.

6. Factor V Leiden mutation

7. Testing for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome.

8. Blood grouping, TSH, OGTT ( thyroid and sugar levels ).

Also, please upload any scans that may have been done in this pregnancy so far. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Take care.

Patient replied :

Thank you, I will contact the hospital tomorrow and ask them for this. Do you know statistics of pregnancies that end well with these issues? My US yesterday said that the baby is growing perfectly, I have normal amount of amniotic fluid and the cervix is long and closed. (Non-smoker BP 110/75) I am almost half way through and would love to be able to relax and feel like I am expecting a baby and not a misscarriage. It's quite stressful. Thank you again, Malin

If the scan shows no abnormality, chances of your carrying the baby to term are much higher than chances of your miscarrying.

Also, statistics can be quoted once a disease is identified after the workup.

Take care

Patient replied :


I got test results back and the doctor called and said that everything is normal, and as it should be.
they want me to stop the Crinone over the next two weeks by taking it every other day, then every third. I am 18 +1 weeks along today.
Do you recommend stopping or staying on the crinone? They say that this far along it doesn't do any difference and the fact that I started bleeding the last time I stopped was just a coinsident. Feels scary to stop!

thank you!
kind regards,

Thanks for writing to us again.

You can and should, according to me, take the Crinone atleast till the third trimester.
Progesterone quietens the uterus.
Please get back to us if you have additional queries.

Patient replied :

Hi again,
the doctors here in Sweden wont prescribe Crinone any longer by standard, they only use it until week 12 and I am now in week 20, almost 21 so they say it´s unneccessary and that the low dose of progesterone wont make any difference. I do have 11 of them left. Is your advise to try and ease of them taking them every other day, or should I try and convice the doctors to prescribe it for another few months? During the routine US they didnt see any trace of the hematoma that was 30mm a few weeks previous.
It´s very stressfull to get off it when it feels like it is working so well for my pregnancy. The only downside is that is has started to burn becasue I have taken it since week 4.

Thank you for your support!
Kind regards,

You should continue it, it helps to quieten the uterus.
Ask them to issue a fresh prescription or use the ones you have sparingly.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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