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Irregular perios with normal SONOGRAPHY. What next?

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hi, i have irregular periods from one year. i dont have any problem like hormonal immbalance and also i did sonography , nothing is there.. last i had periods on 12 july, bcos doctor given me tablets for two days the name is gynaset, but now again the problem is same. ln past whenever i had periods its dark choclate color and only three day. its not heavy bleeding, in my earlier age i have five days periods and i get symtoms body heaviness and mood swings so i got knows that i will get periods in days. but now nothing is ther, i dont have any diabetes, surgery or anything else.. and one more thing in past when i was 25 or 26, when i have stressed about or some family issue i got periods within 15 days. and with this delayed periods i have got acne problem on my shoulders, is that relavant to this problems.. my lower stomach is looking heavy like a 3 months pregnent lady, my working time is in late nights so getting up very late 11 am, i dont have habit to eating out or i dont like to have pizzas burger or like that., in my food i m haveing daal, chapati green salad, one vegetalble and in breakfast fruits and tea.. and in evening light snacks and one cup tea.. what is the problem i m not getting?

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I have gone through your query.
I think you might be having polycystic ovarian disease - PCOS.
This is a condition of baseline hormonal imbalance.
Instead of normal egg follicles, the ovaries are studded with small cyst like follicles, ovulation and menstruation are both erratic.
To confirm this diagnosis, the following workup should be done -
1. FSH, LH, on day 2 of periods.
2. TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free testosterone, Lipid Profile, Fasting serum insulin.
3. Pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan.
Please let me know if this work up has been done, if yes, please upload the reports.
Treatment involves metformin and cyclical hormones every month to regulate cycles.
You can try losing 2- 3 kg of weight and exercise regularly, that will also help in improving symptoms.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

i already did last time after 12th july when i had periods , ultrasound scan and TSH, Prolactin DHEAS, here one of doctor asked me the same and i did but everything is normal. now what i have to do? i m sending ultrasound report and some perameters is here, DHEAS 100.9 PRL 13.88 TSH 1.86 is it ok bcos i dont have soft copy for this report. and the doctor given me gynoset tablet thrice a day fro two days, BDID-SR for one month after lunch one daily and duphaston 10mg after16 days of periods for 10 days at night. after this 2 and 3 month was ok, now again problem is same.. can you prescribe me any treatment or tablets..?

You need to have the rest of the hormonal levels measured also.
Just typing the values gives me no information, I need to see the reference values also, as each lab has different values of normal and abnormal.
ALso, this scan was done abdominally.
YOu should repeat a transvaginal scan to diagnose PCOD.

Patient replied :

i have did all tests and i m sending reports, but i m unmarried so i cant do transvaginal scan. and external i have already send the image.I have attached the files in that lipid, liver, kidney, glucose, hba, dhea,prolactine, tsh, ftes, insulin profile , if you can help me by this it will appreciable..
Regards & Thanks.

I have recieved all your reports.
However i could not see the FSH/LH levels results.
Did you get them checked?
Awaiting your reply,

Patient replied :

you told after periods has to be done, still i did not .. i think i have high cholestrol and something also in liver profile, that has to be taken care..

Yes, lipid profile is abnormal.
You have to cut down all fats, oil, ghee, sugar in your diet.
Liver profile is fine, mildly raised value, and not important as you have no symptoms.
Do follow up with your FSH and LH.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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