Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
Firstly I wish to understand a few things.
Polyps generally cannot be removed during a normal check up.
It requires proper anesthesia and a proper surgery.
Next if the polyp was just hanging out, and ' dropped ' into the doctor's hands ( rarely happens ), then it should have been sent promptly for biopsy ( histopathology ).
Was this done ?
Thirdly, what blood test are you asked to have in the middle of the next period ????
I need to know that ?
Regarding your other questions -
1.THis is most probably residual blood coming out after the polyp removal.
2. Well - what blood test was advised ? Only if I know what it was, can I tell you when to do it.
3. Yes, sexual activity should not be an issue unless intercourse noticeably worsens the bleeding.
4. YOu need to have a workup to know how long it will take to normalize your cycles and whether this is something more serious.
The workup is listed below -
Internal exam ( per vaginum and per speculum ) by a Specialist OB - GYN.
Pap smear
Pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan.
Hormonal levels - FSH, LH, TSH .
Biopsy of the ' polyp ' removed.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.