I think you were misinformed. Alesse and other oral contraceptives do not cause stoppage of menstrual bleeding instead they help in regularization of the menstrual bleeding and preventing pregnancy. The bleeding you have experienced is called withdrawal bleeding and is a part of OC medications. If you have started OC less than 3 months back, it is advised that you use a backup contraceptive like a condom.
This breakthrough bleeding generally is greatest in the first 3 to 4 months after starting OCs and it steadily declines and stabilizes by the end of the fourth cycle.
I would recommend the following things-
1) If the bleeding persists for 3 months, consider changing to a formulation with:
a) Either a higher or lower dose of the same progestogen.
b) A different second-generation progestogen and starting with the lowest available dose.
2) Get regular pap smears done as to prevent the chances of cervical cancer. Studies have shown that having unprotected sexual intercourse increases chances of cervical cancer.
3) Consult a gynecologist for a pelvic exam to check for other causes of bleeding like cervical erosions.
4) Take a Tab, ferrous sulphate 150 mg and Tab Tylenol 500 mg for temporary relief in pain.
5) Eat a good balanced diet with good portion of proteins carbohydrates and vitamins. Consume diet rich in green leafy vegetables and milk.
Thank you.