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Increased frequency with leaking after urination and OAB.

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Hi Doctor,

I have been suffering from some urine issues for last 6 months. It started with mild pain in testicles and then after a week frequent urination started. I have got all the tests done and all reports have come to be fine. After lot of tests I was diagnosed with OAB and currently I am on medication for the same. For last couple of months the frequency has improved but there is another problem that I have developed. I feel like i am leaking after urination and I always have discomfort in my uthera.

Please suggest if this could be part of OAB.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.
See overactive bladder normally happens due to sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles in the urinary bladder causing a type of incontinence. Hence even though you will have minute amounts of urine in the bladder, you will have the urge to pass urine and even after passing urine you will feel like the bladder is not empty and you have to pass urne again. The muscle that is mostly involved is Detrusor and there are spasms in the muscle leading to such problems.
Hence the leaking problem that you are facing and the discomfort in the urethra is also a part of the over active bladder and hence it will get better once you are treated properly.
It is a good thing that you are already on treatment. It takes time but the problems will surely resolve.
Hope this was helpful,

Patient replied :

Thanks for the response doctor !!!
I would like to understand if this would have any effect on my sperm quality. The reason I am asking is that me and my wife went through a misscarriage last month after trying for a year. Secondly I am on medication for last 4 months, how long should I wait to get my self retested. The last question is does it get bad over the course of time. I am still 30 and that thought give me shivers.
Please suggest.

Thank you for your appreciation.
I can assure you, your urinary incontinence is not going to affect your fertility or sperm quality in any way. IT does not hamper pregnancy in any way. It has no other complication except for the leakage and it can cause issues since it can be awkward socially. That is the primary concern of the patients.
However there is no fixed period of treatment. You can take the drugs till the symptoms reduce and once they do, the doctor can switch you back too lower dose alternatives. But i will advise you to be retested at the end of 6 months. In case it continues chronically there are some surgical methods such as sling procedure can be considered. Your urologidt will be the best person to choose that.
But a lot of patients get cured with medical management alone. Hence in your case we have to be patient and hope for the best. There are other techniques like strengthening of the pelvic floor and methods like double voiding that are followed by patients. Pelvic floor muscle can be improved my kegel exercises. When you are peeing next time, try to hold your pee, you will understand a muscle is working and contracting in your abdomen. So the way you try to hold your urine, you need to do that twice a day around 20-25 times. This will help in imporving the muscular tone. Double voiding is a method where you pee first, wait for a few minutes and then pee again to avoid leakage.
Apart from this you can also focus on fluid management and not over hydration.
Please do not worry about semen quality or any effect on your fertility.
Hope this was helpful,

Patient replied :

Hello Doctor,
Thanks for the response again !!! it is highly appreciated
I also wanted to ask you tht i do feek leeking often but when I check I dont see any spots or anything. I just feel that most of the times my penis tip is Wet. Could this be because of OAB and can this be cause I am uncut. Moreover can sex cause OAB. We have been trying to concieve for last oneyear therefore the frequency of sex has increased. So wondering
Please suggest

Yes that feeling is due to your OAB. There is no relationship between being uncut and that feeling though.
Bring uncircumcised sometimes increases risk of UTIs and repeated utis further lead to interstitial cystitis or bladder infection which can lead to OAB. That is not your case.
No sex can't cause OAB.
Hopefully you will conceive soon.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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