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I am scared

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It's Sunday and I am very scared. I have a problem with my stomach I do not understand. Wednesday I woke up vomiting, I there up once more that afternoon. Thursday, no vomit, but terrible diarrhea. It was yellow and nearly all liquid. Then Friday morning, one more bout of diarrhea. Friday afternoon… nothing. Saturday… nothing. I've been bloated, but gas is all that will come. I've been nauseated since Wednesday, but have not thrown up. This afternoon, I was determined. I passed only a group of small, grey, fuzzy, flat bowel movements. I am scared. I have, for the past couple of years, been regular-to-loose, brown, going every day. It did change over the past few months, but the change was only that I started having bowel movements almost every time I went to the bathroom. But this, whatever it is, I have never heard of let alone had it happen from me. Do I call the doctor tomorrow? Of course, it's been a holiday weekend. I've never been constipated. Do I try a stool softener? Or is this something else? Is this something serious? I feel so yucky inside and I'm really starting to get scared.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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