I am having painful urination from past one week, and also the tip of my genital seems to be swollen a bit.

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Dear doctor,

From past one week, I have been suffering from painful urination. It pains a lot while passing the urine and the genital tract seems to be swollen, especially the tip. Would you please suggest some remedy as soon as possible? I am attaching some pictures of the infected area. Would you please diagnose and tell me are they the same as I saw in the genital warts pictures?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern. It is a matter of concern, as is clear from the genital warts pictures you sent. It shall be kept in mind that having unsafe sex is the main cause. You might have had sex with some infected person with the same disease. Now, what you can do is to avoid physical contact with any one for two three weeks. You may go for the urine test as well as the genital tract examination. The swollen tip can be treated by washing it with antiseptic liquid and sterilised cotton. The washed area must be dried. Loose clothing ways shall be adopted especially on the affected area. The affected area shall be left open preferably. The pain can be reduced by a great deal by having painkillers like aspirin on a daily basis. The recovery period may range from two to three weeks and hence precautions need to be taken for the same time period. The genital portion shall be kept as much clean and dry as possible. Regular application of an antiseptic cream may fasten the recovery process. The cream shall be applied on and around the genital wart affected area. It needs a lot of patience from your side during the whole recovery period and mutual understanding of both the partners is needed for avoiding sex during the period. Good Luck 

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