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General symptoms of genital herpes.

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Hello doctor, I would like to know about the early symptoms of herpes infection. It happened so, that I had sex with my ex-boyfriend about 3 weeks ago. Now, I am experiencing some tingling sensation in my genitals. Is it due to herpes or some other issues? I am generally hygienic and had no such experiences in the past. Please help me out. 

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Thanks for your question. Herpes or Genital herpes is characterized by several symptoms. As you may know it is caused by a virus named Herpes Simplex Virus. Of this, type 2 HSV is which causes genital herpes. Unfortunately, the symptoms you have resembles to that of genital herpes. In some people, a slight tingling sensation is felt in their genital areas and groins. About a day after this sensation, small fluid filled sores or blisters start to appear in small groups. They are quite painful and later forms crust and then heal out in a matter of 2 weeks. In some people, it might take more or less time. In some people, there will be no blisters. They will experience rashes or bumps like pimples in face. In females, painful urination with some smelly vaginal fluid discharge is also seen. These are the main primary symptoms of genital herpes. But during the first outbreak, some people experience differing experiences also. Flu, fever, pain in body are also experienced. This can happen within a week or two from the date of infection.

Recurrence of genital herpes happens quite often. In some people, yearly recurrence is seen. But in people having less immunity the frequency will be more and may have an outbreak in every three to six months after the first outbreak. During the secondary outbreak and onwards also, there will be symptoms as if experienced earlier. Tingling sensation, itching, pains etc. are the common characteristics. However, many people having active herpes infection live without having any symptoms for years. It all depends on the immunity power of your body. The common areas affected by herpes are scrotum, vulva, anus, vagina, thighs and buttocks. Hope my answer helps. Get well soon.

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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