Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
The most obvious reason for your irregular cycles is your substantial weight gain.
And you are obese right now, though you have not mentioned your
height, so I cannot calculate your BMI.
Other than that, stress, anxiety, late nights, drinking, smoking, binge eating, ingestion of hormonal medications , change in climate or altitude - all these can lead to irregular cycles.
Also, hypothyroidism or PCOD ( polycystic ovarian disease ) can lead to this.
Please consult a gynaecologist for complete evaluation.
This will include internal exam ( per vaginum and per speculum ) and
pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan.
ALso, hormonal levels - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free Testosterone.
All the best
Please free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Does it sound like it could be uterine cancer?
Not at all.
You are just 21, hardly the age group for uterine cancer.
There is no mention of any ominous family history.
Uterine cancer would present with torrential bleeding, pain, distension, weight loss.
Please have the workup suggested.
You would be reassured on this score.