HIV risk through razor cuts at hairdressers

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Dear doctor,

When I went to my hairdresser, they used a razor blade to shave the back of my neck and cut me multiple times. I want to know, in case they cut other people before I went there, could have I got infected with HIV? Should I go to the HIV testing?

Thank You in advance,


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your queries at

Rest assured knowing that the virus does not survive outside the body and it is highly unlikely to impossible for you to catch the virus in this way.

If the scrapes and wounds are minor on your skin and scalp then they should heal on their own within a few days. Watch for signs of contact dermatitis or signs of secondary infection in the meantime.

If you notice the cuts are not healing, and/or are getting inflamed, itchy, or the area is getting swollen then consider visiting your local physician. You may require antibiotics or further treatment. Otherwise keep the area clean and the cuts should heal in a week.

Sleep well knowing that you do not have HIV infection and there is no need for testing. Take care and be well. Please ask any follow up questions, if any.


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Patient replied :

Thank You very much. I got extremely worried because I read articles that the virus can survive for days in dried blood.

Kind regards,


Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

You are welcome! Take care. For future medical queries, ask at

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