Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I can understand your concern. I reviewed the picture.
It looks like a warty growth. It will be difficult to conclude what it is by just seeing it. It would be advisable to visit your doctor who can take it out for you and send it for microscopic examination to the laboratory. That is extremely important for diagnosis.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care
Patient replied :
have you had a case like this and is it dangerouse or deadly please advice thank you.
Unfortunate it can't be said if it is dangerous or not just by looking at it. It is necessary to do biopsy to ascertain it's nature.
Patient replied :
um going to be looked at but have you seen similar like mine before or have you treated similar like mine.
I have seen similar cases. But it is important to send the growth for microscopic examination to determine what it really is.
Patient replied :
do dr has to cut it off then send it right
Yes, the doctor will just take a biopsy.