Thanks for your question and concern, there are about 40 millions people who are at present having HIV infection in the world and moreover there is an estimation that around 25 million have been dead due to this disease. If we look into United States around one-third of new diagnoses are related to heterosexual transmission and male-to-male sexual contact is around half of new diagnoses. This virus is not transmitted through normal contact like sharing towels, bedding, via telephones, swimming pools, preparing food etc or by contact of saliva if it is not contaminated with your blood. I must tell you that many do not have these symptoms when they are in contact with HIV.The pictures of genital warts are not seen in you. The symptoms include fever, pain in the head, tiredness, and also swollen nodes near the neck region. However, the person starts feeling normal in a few weeks. This type of condition lasts for many years. This development of disease may occur from a few days to 10 years or even more. HIV is detected through blood tests. For testing HI, a process of two steps is followed: firstly a screening test of blood which is inexpensive and a screening test oforal (saliva) are done. If this test comes out to be positive then the second step is followed which is (Western blot) to have a conformation. I strongly advise you to go for the test as you seem to be involved in sexual activities.Take Care.